Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of intervention that combines various methods of alternative medicine including acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy. The targets of EFT are emotional issues, which usually lie behind any human discomfort. Their removal often provides benefits for performance and physical issues. EFT is dramatically different from conventional therapy practices and that is why it often works where nothing else will.
In essence, EFT is an emotional version of acupuncture, except it doesn’t use needles. The process involves mentally "tuning in" to specific issues while stimulating certain meridian points on the body by tapping on them with our fingertips. EFT appears to balance disturbances in the meridian system and thus often reduces the conventional therapy procedures from months or years down to minutes or hours. The basic method is very portable and learnable by almost everyone. No special education is required.
Old Tibetan and Chinese traditions have an ancient knowledge, originating from about 5.000 years ago, regarding the construction of the human system, which is the core of Eastern health practices and form the basis for modern day acupuncture, acupressure and a wide variety of other healing techniques, like for example Pranic Healing. They discovered a complex system of energy circuits that run throughout and around the body.
These energy circuits or meridians, as they are called, are invisible to the eye and show that our bodies have a profound electrical nature. Our electrical systems are vital to our physical health. Electrical messages are constantly sent throughout your body to keep it informed of what is going on. Without this energy flow you would not be able to see, hear, feel, taste or smell.
EFT gives striking evidence that energy flows within your meridians because it provides the effects that let you know it is there. By simply tapping near the end points of your energy meridians you can experience some profound changes in your emotional and physical health.
EFT is also based on the fact that negative states are stored, even stuck, in our body’s energy system. When an acupuncture needle is inserted into a prana or energy meridian, the purpose is to get the energy moving and to move stagnant or stuck prana (energy). EFT works the same way to get stuck or stagnant emotional energy moving by replacing it with calm, confidence, peace, resourcefulness.
EFT Tapping can significantly improve your emotional well-being, your ability to attract abundance, your happiness and your life by shifting the patterns that regulate your well-being, success and joy.
Some of the effects of EFT are:
• Removes anxiety.
• Clears trauma effects.
• Eliminates anger.
• Relieves depression.
• Enhanced performance in business, sports, creative activities, school.
• Shifts limiting beliefs, behaviors and feelings.
• Relieves physical problems and health issues.
• Weight loss.
• Dramatically reduce negative emotions.
• Improve or eliminate unhelpful habits and behaviors
• Increase the ability to succeed, love and enjoy life.
But maybe the most powerful element of EFT is that you can do it yourself to change your own life. When you learn to use the process yourself, you have the power and responsibility to rapidly improve your own life.